ChurchAlive North Banking Details
Bank: Standard Bank Northcliff
Branch Code: 006305
Account Name: Church Alive
Account Number: 200491253
Bank: ABSA Bank Cresta
Branch Code: 632005
Account Name: Church Alive
Account Number: 4081227839
ChurchAlive West Banking Details
Bank: First National Bank
Branch Code: 250655
Account Name: Church Alive
Account Number: 63001821239
Giving and Registration Payments
You have several options for giving, purchasing resources and to register for events and conferences. Many people make Electronic Fund Transfers – please print a proof of payment to submit with your registration form. There are envelopes provided for cash and cheque payments. Please make sure you get a receipt for registrations at the Info Centre. ChurchAlive also has the option for you pay by Credit Card on Sundays and to use a secure online system for Credit Card payments. You can use this for giving as well as registration for all events and resources. You should receive an e-mail with confirmation of your payment if you request this by entering your email address during the online payment process.
Financial Policy
A strict Financial Policy governs ChurchAlive’s finances. Our Financial Team oversees these policies and prepares annual financial statements and feedback for the church. Good stewardship and strict budgets are important to us, so that funds are used appropriately for God’s purposes. We form part of the Assemblies of God Group and contribute to regional and national funds to develop churches in the group.
ChurchAlive also has the option for you pay by Credit Card on Sundays and to use a secure online system for Credit Card payments. You can use this for giving as well as registration for all events and resources.
Contact us:
+27 11 678 6416
WhatsApp: 061 055 1520