Welcome to the Life of Purpose series!

I am so glad that you have chosen to be a part of what I believe will be a very significant spiritual journey for you.
I believe that the next six weeks will encourage and grow you personally, while at the same time,
renew our love for God and our unity as a church family.

You were created for a purpose. You are also uniquely positioned for your divine purpose. Over the next six weeks,
we will allow the Spirit of God to remind us again, that we were intentionally placed, here – this time, place and generation –
for a reason that is way bigger than just our lifetime.

Together, we will also ask God to realign us to his purpose, both as individuals and as a church. So, thank you again.
It is so much better to walk into the next season God has for us, when we can do so in the company of like-minded people.

Love you madly! Ps. J